Monday, 27 October 2014

Watched, a Story Prompt Monday story

I got so lost in a book today I almost forgot it is Monday and therefore time for my next very short story. (In case you’re curious, the book I read is 'The Soldier' by Kate Aaron and my review can be found here). But, better late than never, here’s this week’s installment. The picture was chosen by Dermot and I hope you’ll like what I came up with even if the story is a bit creepier than my usual fare.

I stared at them from a safe distance as I’d been doing for the past three weeks. Every weekday they could be found here in the park. Always at the same time. Always on the same bench. I knew their routine, could set my watch to it. They’d arrive shortly after four and stay until quarter to six. The weather didn’t matter. I’d seen them there in the pouring rain, huddled together under a big umbrella.

I knew why they met here. They weren’t supposed to be together. She wasn’t allowed to date until after her exams and even then her parents would never approve of him. Him. I hated him. He’d no right to sit next to her, have his arm around her shoulder. He wasn’t good enough for the kisses she gave him.

But it was almost over. I’d suffered for three long weeks but would put an end to it tonight. If I couldn’t have her, nobody could. Tonight, over dinner, I’d expose her secret to our parents. I had the photos to prove it after all.


  1. Oh, my.... I didn't quite see THAT coming. Kinda' glad it's a SHORT story. No offense.

    1. Ha, I didn't see it coming until I wrote it either. I've no idea where that came from. And you should have seen the earlier (completely different) story I wrote. That one was sooo boring :)

  2. Umm.....ok, well umm, yeah. What to say,what to say. I'm speechless. I'm never speechless.Wow!

    1. That's okay. I'm kinda speechless myself. I've no idea where that came from :)
