Thursday, 14 January 2016

Call out to all Readers: Outhouse Book Drive

Call out to all Readers: Outhouse Book Drive

Just over a month ago I invited authors to join me in a book drive for Outhouse in Dublin; you can read all about my idea and the centre here: Outhouse Book Drive.

From the moment I launched the idea the amazing people at Dreamspinner Press have been supporting the initiative; sharing posts and making it possible for authors to donate copies of their books through the publisher, who offered to take care of the shipping costs.

Now the wonderful Dreamspinner Crew has gone one step further and is offering readers the opportunity to join in. From January 14th until January 17th readers who want to make a donation can purchase copies of their favourite titles at a 50% discount. Dreamspinner will, once again, look after shipping the books to Dublin.

If you are interested in participating you can go to the Dreamspinner website and, using the promo code ‘Library50’, buy one or more copies of your favourite titles and thus help expand the beautiful Outhouse library.

I’m slightly overwhelmed and incredibly grateful for the support I have received from readers, authors and Dreamspinner Press so far, and very excited about making the donation in the not too distant future.

I will of course keep everybody up to date about developments in future blog posts. Thank you so much for your help.